Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay on A Husbands Worst Nightmare - 1279 Words
A Husband’s Worst Nightmare When a husband hears the news of his wife having an affair outside their marriage, he becomes the victim and is left to decide what to do about the situation. While an author can set up this chain of events with ease, taking the story and giving it life is something completely different. To bring the audience in and assist them in feeling what the husband is thinking and feeling, and at the same time showing sympathy to the wife is truly a work of art. â€Å"Under the Radar†a short story by Richard Ford does just that. Throughout this story the author uses background and specific emotions so the reader is brought in close. So close that the reader feels involved in someway. They end up feeling like they†¦show more content†¦This conflict, for the time being, has put Steven in the limelight. Not knowing anything about the characters in the beginning gives the reader the chance to make up their mind prematurely, form an opinion about Marjorie, without knowing w ho either Steven or Marjorie are in their real lives. Ford has Marjorie use, what seems to be, a typical apology for a conflict of this nature. He shows that even though there was an unforgivable event, it’s human nature to try to back out of the situation at hand. It gives Steven a chance to accept or decline her. It also gives Steven the chance to decide the future of the relationship. â€Å"I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear, Steven,†she said, â€Å"but I felt I should tell you before we got to George’s. The Nicolsons’, I mean. It’s all over. It’ll never happen again. I promise you . No one will ever mention it. I just lost my bearings last year with the move. I’m sorry.†(Ford 22) Marjorie tries to make the future seem bright, attempts to justify her actions, and then lastly she apologizes for what had happened. She uses a series of steps to reassure herself, as well as Steven, that they are safe from this ever coming up again. Post-apology, Steven shows no signs of accepting her apology. Steven sits in his seat quietly, almost still in shock. Ford has created a situation in which the main characters will not recover from. The setting for thisShow MoreRelatedGothic1592 Words  | 7 Pagesis an example that highly defines gothic horror. Many of her works deal with violence, rape, death, or a character that has gone completely mad. â€Å"Naked†has many dark and nightmare like scenes, Oates writes on how a normal day can be your worst; it is that Oates puts a woman in a scene that would be worse than an average nightmare by stripping the character of who they were. 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