Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Sophocles Antigonon The Tragic Hero Creon - 742 Words
The Tragic Hero: Creon Hero. Hero comes from the greek word heros meaning â€Å"A person who faces adversity, or demonstrates courage, in the face of danger.†Growing up we have always read stories about heroes coming to save the day; for instance, Captain America. Being that our whole lives we were mostly exposed to heroism, have you ever asked yourself what is the opposite of a hero? A villain is the opposite of a hero, but their is another opposite form of a hero; a tragic hero. A Tragic hero is â€Å"A literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction†(â€Å"Tragic hero as defined by Aristotle†). For instance, in the play written by Sophocles Antigone, the tragic hero is Creon. Creon who is Antigone’s†¦show more content†¦The second reason why Creon is a tragic hero, because of his inescapable fate. Creon has more than one inescapable fate, the curse from the gods and the killing of his dad to marry his mother. The curse of the god as we have previously reviewed, was brought up on him after Teiresias gives Creon word that his refusal to bury Polynices and punishment of Antigone, will result in the curses of the gods brought down on Thebes. This was one inescapable fate Creon did in fact bring upon himself. We see the prophecy come to pass confirmed by the Chorus leader stating â€Å"Tiresias, how your words have proven true†(Antigone line 1310). The chorus leader proceeded to say â€Å"Here comes the king in person carrying.. A clear reminder that this evil comes not from some stranger, but from his own mistakes†(Antigone line 1402). Lastly, Creon was a tragic hero because he realized his flaws too late in time. Referring back to the prophecy of Tiresias, after the prophecy of Thebes was declared and Creon denying it, it soon came to pass. The chorus leader cries â€Å"My lord, my lord, such dreadful prophecies- and how hes gone..Since my hair changed colour from black to white, I know here in the city hes never uttered a false prophecy†(Antigone line 1220). Creon then replies to him by acknowledging his wrong and the effect of his wrong in the situation. â€Å"Aaii- mistakes made by a foolish mind, cruel mistakes that bring on
Monday, December 16, 2019
Should Animals Be Used for Research - 2686 Words
Professor Sophie Sills English 240 December 16, 2011 Should Animals be used for Research During the past ten years, a major controversy over the use of animals in biomedical and behavioral research has arisen. The debate about using animals for medical testing has been ongoing for years. The struggle is usually between animal rights activists and scientist. I believe that animal testing is imperative to the progression of medical cures, procedures and drugs. Scientists have been solving medical problems, developing new techniques and treatments, and curing diseases by using animals in biomedical research. Animal rights advocates believe that animals should not be exploited by humans, and that animals have the same rights as humans.†¦show more content†¦Federal regulators routinely inspect labs to ensure that animals are adequately cared for. The welfare of animals used in research is very important. The guiding principles underpinning the human’s use of animals in research are called three Rs. Any researcher planning to use use animals must first show wh y there are no alternatives and what will be done to minimize numbers and suffering. Replace the use of animals with alternative techniques, reduce the number of animals used to minimum and refine the way experiments are carried out to make sure animals suffer as little as possible. Those against the use of animals in research also question the credibility of these studies. They argue that millions of animals are killed unnecessarily when more than ninety percent of these experiments yield no results. More importantly, there is no guarantee that those few drugs which are tested successfully on animals will yield positive results when used in humans. Each species in the animal kingdom is unique. But just as there are differences, there are also key similarities. Scientists often work with an animal model that has biological systems similar to that of a human. For instance, pigs and humans share similar cardiovascular systems. By working with pigs, scientists are better able to develo p and study heart medicines. To study generic disorders such as Down’s syndrome or Parkinson’s disease, researchers use a mouse model which shares ninetyShow MoreRelatedAnimals Should Not Be Used For Biomedical Research1635 Words  | 7 PagesAnimals have been used from the beginning of time the ancient civilisations used animal testing to find answers to the unknown for example why do animals exist romans greeks simply dissected animals to have knowledge. Now days animals are used to understand basic human biology, so called â€Å"models†for studying human biology and disease. Improvements in human health, vaccines and medicines. Another type of animal use is for cosmetics. Even though people believe that biomedical research is a wayRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Should Be Used For Research1600 Words  | 7 Pageswhether the practice of animals research should be used. Many people believe animals are needed for research, while others think it is not fair for animals to be sacrificed and treated poorly during research. Animals used for research has bettered many human lives by new discoveries and advantages. Many people such as doctors, scientists, hospitals, research institutes use animal research to view how the human body works and to advance in scientific understanding. The first animal experiment started inRead MoreShould Animals Be Used for Research? Essay740 Words  | 3 Pages There are several types of animals being used for research, but not surviving the test. Animals are similar to human beings; they have hearts just like human beings. Researchers have absolutely no sympathy for these animals, including the vicious ones. All animals need some type of affection from humans, or else there is a high possibility the animals will not survive. Personally, animal researching should be banned, but doing so, the researchers would have to find something else or someone elseRead MoreShould the Animals Be Used for Scientific Research?1981 Words  | 8 PagesAbstract This research paper discusses the opposition side of my chosen topic â€Å"Should the animals be used for scientific research†. It will evidently elucidate why it is malicious for the animals to be used as scientific research. Animals cannot be compared to humans when it comes to finding out what product or drug is competent for human to use, because animals and humans have different hormones. It is also been proven with the drug thalidomide, that even though it has been tested on thousands ofRead MoreShould Animals Be Used For Medical Research?1872 Words  | 8 PagesShould animals be used in medical research? Should animals be used in medical research? Some people say that after so many historical experiences, this is beyond dispute, but I think this is the opposite. With the medicine science and technology developed, the uses of animals in experiments are become more controversial. With the technologies developed, human beings become more powerful and the intention to protect other creatures will be stronger and stronger. In fact, most of the time, some medicalRead MoreShould Animals Be Used For Product Or Medical Research?767 Words  | 4 PagesThat’s what animals go through almost everyday. Animal medical research and animal testing has been going on for years and years and needs to be stopped immediately. They have lives just like us and are being treated like their nothing. Animals should not be used for product or medical research. To begin with, the behaviors of animals has become violent because of animal research. A 2013 poll showed that two thirds of respondents oppose testing cosmetics and other consumer products on animals. (â€Å"Is animalRead MoreShould Animals Be Used For Medical Science Research?1321 Words  | 6 PagesIs the use of animals in medical science research justified? Should this be permitted? Why is it allowed that animals have to suffer so a human can use Windex or wear makeup? An estimated 26 million animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing. Animal research testing is unnecessary to advance medical research any further. At one time when technology was not caught up with the rest of the world, it may have been useful because without animal testing, productsRead MoreShould Animals Be Used for Research in the Cosmetic Industry?533 Words  | 3 PagesShould animals be used for research in cosmetic industry? Animal testing is widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. These experiments can cause pain to the animals involved or reduce their quality of life in other ways. Animal experimenters are aware of this problem and agree that the testing should be made as humane as possible. While this practice has been followed for years now, some people still strongly believe that it is a cruel act and should be permanentlyRead MoreWhy Should Animals Be Used For Medical Research?1520 Words  | 7 Pages Why should animals be used for medical research? Is it because some animals are similar to humans probably. Even though animals have rights they should still be used for experiments because if scientist experiment on humans and something go wrong they could kill that human being. That is why animals should be used for medical research because they have different blood type and cells from us. Something that can easily kill us might not kill an animal, so wi th that they can find a way to cure theRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Used For Biomedical Research1645 Words  | 7 PagesMillions of animals are used and tested on for biomedical research. Considering this fact, is it really an ethical approach to satisfying the needs of humans? Animals should not be used for biomedical research because the experiments are cruel and inhumane. Although animal testing brings more medical advancement and less human-based experiments, it is an expensive way of researching that produce imprecise outputs and at the same time is a practice of animal cruelty. What is animal testing? Animal testing
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Case Study Labor Relations - Click Now to Get Free Sample
Question: 1 Identify the employer's labour relations strategy, and explain possible reasons for this strategy. Answer:1 Indeed, Wal-Mart one of the largest player in the Saskatchewan. It provides lot of jobs opportunity for employee and also it pays taxes. It is most famous outlet in this specific area. However, Labor relation board of Saskatchewan is a board which determine the legal process for store employees right. We would discuss the employers and labor relations strategy in the Wal-Mart. After the opened new store in Weyuburn- Saskatchewan, Wal-Mart employee contacted the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) to presented union for them. A lower court judge quashed the decision that board was biased in favor of unions because Labor Relations Board and Trade Union Act allowed a union to certify without an employee vote in the 2009. However, Trade Union Act required the vote on certification application in the 2008. Supreme Court denied to Wal-Mart to leave appeal and certification process continued, but Wal-Mart filed application against Labor Relation Board to block from hearing the application process due to biased nature of board. However, Union is the mirror of labor view or ideas. In the globalization, it is necessary to maintain proper strategy within employers and labor relation concern about their rights such as wages, bonus and promotion policies. Further, the main reason behind this employers strategy is that Wal-Mart has large organization and hig h employee in the organization so it is very difficult to fulfill all requirement of the employee. So, they tried to block labor board for hearing the application of labor due to biased nature. The main reason behind the employee or labor strategy which adopting by Wal-Mart union is that labor is closely related to organization and they are fully aware of organization strength and weakness. So, employers should take ideas or opinion from labors of the Wal-Mart. Labors suggestion will helpful in decision making strategy for high authority of organization. On the basis of above discussion, it can be concluded that good employers labor relation will helpful organization growth and development. Question: 2 Outline the environmental factors referred to in Chapter 2 affecting this situatio. Answer: 2 Indeed, Air Canada pilots are covered through collective agreement between pilots and the company. As per agreement, both (employer and labor) are required to retire at 60 ages for pilots in Air Canada Company. Vilven and Kelly were terminated through jobs due to high age as per contract, but they wanted to work with organization so they filed complaint against collective agreement in the Canadian Human Right Commission. The environmental factors which affects the parties and process of labor relations, especially in the Air Canada organization. The five kinds of factors are affecting the economic, technological, social, political and legal environment. Further, economic environment factors are critical to employers and unions. If country economics will go down then organization labor condition will affect adversely. In the globalization, new technology is implementing in the plane so employer must hire new and young employee to handle new technology of the plane. So, employers and labors relation affected due to technology environment. The social environment relates to the value and belief of Canadians unions and employers. A Newpapers headline was that unionization is the major problem facing in Canada. Values and beliefs are significant because they impact the propensity of employers to unionize. Due to political uncertainty it is very hard to maintain fix retirement age for pilot in the Air Canada Company. So, employer and labors relation will affect. Legal costs for retirement of the employees are too high so it affects the employer and labor relations. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that employers and labors are affected through environment which made by Air Canada Company. Collective agreement made by both (employer and labor) parties mutual understanding. So, they should follow and it will be beneficial for them.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The play which Shakespeare wrote was a romantic tragedy called Romeo and Juliet Essay Example For Students
The play which Shakespeare wrote was a romantic tragedy called Romeo and Juliet Essay The play which Shakespeare wrote was a romantic tragedy called Romeo and Juliet. This play was written in the early 17th century. The plot of this play is two families in Verona. The Capulets and Montagues which have been fighting for many years. At the Capulets party Romeo Montague sees Juliet Capulet and they fall in love. Its not long after were Romeos and Juliets love is doomed as neither family will accept their marriage. Friar Lawrence tries to put things right but his plans are doomed to failure and the couple commit suicide each believing the other is dead. After so many deaths do the families realise they are to blame. We will write a custom essay on The play which Shakespeare wrote was a romantic tragedy called Romeo and Juliet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In Elizabethan times arranged marriages was a common thing. Women of the age thirteenth or fourteen were married of to a much older man. Juliet was thirteen when lord Capulet thought of marrying her to Paris, a much older man. The reason of this is because they would want a babe boy. To continue the heir of the family. Juliet agreed to marry Paris until she meet Romeo and fell in love with him. She then disobeyed her father and refused to marry Paris. As she was in love with Romeo. Disobeying her father she knows she has to suffer the consequence. Friar marries Romeo and Juliet together without the parents permission trying to reunite the families. But doesnt work. Meaning now she cant get married to Paris as she already married to Romeo. In Elizabethan times men were head of the house what ever they said was expected to be obeyed. Women were controlled by the males. Women at the ages of thirteen and fourteen were married of to a much old man. Men were less responsible they would do anything they pleased. The children of them times would be bought up by a Nurse. Capulet is head of the family. Like all Elizabethan fathers he is expected to be obeyed. Capulet is a kind considerate father. Capulet discusses his daughters marriage with Paris. She is the hopeful lady of my earth. The things he says about Juliet shows she is very close to his heart and his words suggest she is very important to him as she is the only surviving child of Lord Capulet. Lord Capulet is well liked in the community. He invites many local people to attend the Capulet party. All attended and even some extras. Through fair Verona, find those person but whose names are written there, and to them say my house and welcome on their pleasure stay. Capulet is insisted on being obeyed as he is head of the household and shows that he demands total respect and expects to be obeyed from all members and servants of the family. Am I the master here, or you? An example of Capulets temper is when Juliet refuses to do as she is told and Capulet gets furious. I tell thee what, get thee church o Thursday or never after look me in the face. The reason Capulet gets angry is because he is being disobeyed and he demands respect. Capulet is very cruel and heartless when Juliet disobeys him. He hurls abuse at Juliet, calling her names which would have been incredibly insulting in the Elizabethan times because she refused to do as she was told and didnt want to get married to Paris. Out, you green-sickness carrion! Out, you baggage! Lady Capulet is seen as a typical well -to-do lady of the Elizabethan period. She didnt have much to do with the bringing of her daughter Juliet. Lady Capulet is a very much loyal, obedient wife and mother. .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 , .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 .postImageUrl , .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 , .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199:hover , .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199:visited , .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199:active { border:0!important; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199:active , .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199 .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc76131fa9783281cd3c744b3b3003199:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How effectively does Priestly communicate his message to the audience in Act 1 EssayWhen she discusses her daughters marriage to Paris she panics because she doesnt really know much about her own daughter as she didnt have much with bringing her up. So she calls the Nurse back into the room needing her help to persuade Juliet to accept Paris. Nurse, come back again. I have rememberd me, thous her our council. The Nurse talks about the important events in Juliets life. She could have run and waddled all about. It is also obvious that her husband has been a father figure to Juliet. Lady Capulet tells Juliet she must obey her father and marry Paris. She upholds her husbands position as head of the household. Marry, my child, early next Thursday morn. She expects Juliet to be happy to marry Paris and passes Capulets wishes to Juliet. We see lady Capulets cruel, uncaring side as Juliet refuses to obey her father she brings dishonour on the family. Talk not to me, for Ill not speak a word. We see the irony of her words as Juliets death occurs very soon after. They also reveal her cold, callous side as she is unwilling to support her daughter. Juliet is the only surviving child of Lord and Lady Capulet. Juliet was thirteen years old, which was consider old enough for her to get married in Elizabethan society. She is not a typical submissive daughter. She agrees to consider Paris as her husband but then falls in love with Romeo. Juliet is very fond of the Nurse and shares her secrets with her. Juliet was raised by the Nurse ever since she was born. This shows that there is a strong bond between the two like mother and daughter. She share all her secrets with the Nurse particularly those about Romeo. The Nurse is like a mother to Juliet. I faith I am sorry that thou art not well. Sweet, sweet, Nurse, tell me what says my love? Juliet is very quick to betray her family honour when she discovers Romeos identity. Juliet knows that her families would never agree to their marriage as Romeo is the son of her fathers enemy. My only love sprung form my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and know too late. Prodigious birth of love it is to me that I must love a loathed enemy. Juliet is stubborn and refuses to marry Paris, disobeying her fathers specific orders. As she is in love with Romeo. England had a strong catholic tradition and having to husbands was not legal. Juliet made it very clear that she will not marry Paris. Unfortunately she is unable to tell her parents as it would result in Romeos death. Now, by Saint Peters church, and peter too, He shall not make me there a joyful bride! The only thing Juliet now had left was the Nurse even her she losses when the Nurse tells her to forget Romeo and to marry Paris as the Nurse is on her parents side, fearing she may lose her job and leave the Capulet family. Speakest thou from the heart? Juliet then realises she has no-one to turn to for support. The Nurse was a loyal family servant; she is employed by the Capulets, as a wet nurse. She treats Juliet as her own daughter. The Nurse is very fond of Juliet she treats her like her own daughter and supports her when ever she has any problems with Romeo accept. The Nurse bought up Juliet ever since she was born and has always been there for her. Thou wast the prettiest babe that eer I nursed. The Nurse encourages Juliet to continue her relationship with Romeo and interferes with the families business. She really cares for Juliet and is aware of the situation and Juliets infatuation. She is also aware of the feelings of the Capulets and Montagues. .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 , .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 .postImageUrl , .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 , .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5:hover , .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5:visited , .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5:active { border:0!important; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5:active , .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5 .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u577a173b191be5a484ca0d710cdd3db5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Drama portfolio two EssayHie you hence to Friar Lawrences cell, There stays you a husband to make you a wife. The Nurse fails to support Juliet when is told to marry Paris and lets Juliet down badly. The reason the nurse tells Juliet to forget Romeo and marry Paris is because she backs Juliets parents. Romeos a dishclout to him. Fearing the Capulets would find out she was meddling with the families business and she would be throw out the house and nobody would then employ her knowing she isnt trustworthy and her life would have been ruined. The young members of the families play an important part in the play. They braw at every opportunity to maintain their family honour. They are sons of wealthy people the Capulets and Montagues. They dont have much to do in their time. Tybalt is the cousin of Juliet. The young Capulets and Montagues are always ready to fight each other and this causes problems and anger in Verona. Prince Escalus anger towards the behaviour of the Capulets and Montagues threatens the families with death if theres another incident as it has just gone too far. If ever you disturb the our streets again, Your lies shall pay the forfeit of the peace. Not only the young members of the family fight but even the servants see it as their duty to fight and insult each other. Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? This was regarded as a rude gesture, a serious insult, and they would fight over it. They would find anyway to start a fight. As they have nothing else to do. Tybalts desire to protect the family honour is cause of two deaths. He is the man agitator of the young men. Romeo went to the Capulets party uninvited but not causing any problems. Tybalt sees Romeos presents and sees it as an insult on the family turning up uninviting. Here Tybalt is being belittled and treated as a child by his uncle. It fits when such a villain is a guest; Ill not endure him. This causes Tybalt to desire revenge upon Romeo which he performs later on in the play which results in his own death. This event has transformed Tybalts hatred into more personal hatred towards Romeo rather than just hatred for the whole Montague family. Tybalts use of language makes his character appear determined and adamant. He is an argumentative young man which you can see in the way he speaks to his uncle about what he wishes to do. He looks out for trouble and loves fighting which is why he desires to fight Romeo. I think Shakespeare has explored the theme of family values. He has shown how the families get along. The males are head of the household and accepted total respect and obedience. What they said was expected to be done. If not they had to suffer the consequences. The 21st century audience can learn that families shouldnt fight they are many other ways to settle a problem. Your family is they closes thing that you will have throughout your life, and they people you can trust.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Challenger Disaster Essays - Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
Challenger Disaster Essays - Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Challenger Disaster The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster was a preventable disaster that NASA tried to cover up by calling it a mysterious accident. However, two men had the courage to bring the real true story to the eyes of the public and it is to Richard Cook and Roger Boisjoly to whom we are thankful. Many lessons can be learned from this disaster to help prevent further disasters and to improve on organizations ethics. One of the many key topics behind the Challenger disaster is the organizational culture. One of the aspects of an organizational culture is the observable culture of an organization that is what one sees and hears when walking around an organization. There are four parts to the observable culture, stories, heroes, rites and rituals and symbols. The first one is stories, which is tales told among an organizations members. In the Challenger Space Shuttle incident there were mainly four organizations thrown together to form one, Morton Thiokol, Marshall Space Flight Center, Johnson Space Center and NASA Headquarters. All of these organizations had the same type of stories to be told. At Morton Thiokol, they talked about their product and their big deal, which they received from NASA. At NASA, its members retold stories of the previous space missions and being the first people to have landed on the moon. Second are their heroes. At Morton Thiokol, their heroes might have been the founders of the organization or its top executives like Charles Locke or Jerry Mason. At NASA, their heroes might have been Neil Armstrong, staff or any members of the organization. All of these people that were chosen to be heroes set the standards for that organization and conducted themselves for others to follow. Third are the rites and rituals those members of an organization conduct. Since both of these organizations work together to attain the same goal, a ritual for the organization is the celebration after each successful launch and landing of a space shuttle. A rite or ritual shows a since of group unity and friendship among the organizations members. Finally there are symbols that the organization uses, which has may carry a special meaning through its communication. Symbols in these organizations are very important because with these organizations line of work, symbols could mean the difference between life and death. For example, in the space shuttle there are different symbols on their controls. If an emergency light goes on they must know these symbols in order to fix the problem or abort the shuttle. All of these four aspects are centered on the organizations core culture. An organizations core culture is the beliefs about the right ways to behave. When Thiokol and NASA first started to plan for Challengers mission, it was part of their core culture, which ultimately caused the Challenger disaster. To an observer at both of these organizations dealing with the Challenger mission was that everything was perfect and right on schedule. The top executives in these organizations told their employees to be quite and act as if everything was fine. They did this so that the media and the people of the United States would believe and have great admiration for NASA. The Challenger was different then the previous missions because it was the first time a citizen would be going into outer space. At this time in these organizations time, it was essential to their futures to boost Americans opinion of the space program. The executives of these organizations knew how important this mission was t o their success and pushed for the mission to happen and for its employees to convince the people of the programs growth and success. In the direction in organizational culture, worker empowerment was highly stressed although top management did not listen. This was also very important in trying to prevent the Challenger disaster. Both Thiokol and NASA asked for employees opinion on whether the launch should be a go or were their problems that may arise. When the engineers gave their opinion that I was to dangerous for launch, the top executives refused to listen to them and voted to launch asking only for the top executives to vote. In Challengers case, the engineers were the people who knew whether
Friday, November 22, 2019
Happy Friendship Day Quotes
Happy Friendship Day Quotes Whatever your age, don’t feel embarrassed to wish your best friends, Happy Friendship Day. It does not matter whether you are 16 or 60. Friendship Day is a celebration of a relationship that has been nurtured over the years. Everybody needs a friend. Recall your fondest memories: the time you shared a laugh with friends in the school cafeteria. Or the time you whispered your darkest secrets to your friend, after making her take a solemn oath of secrecy. When is Friendship Day? Every year International Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August. However, according to UN resolution A/65/L.72, passed on April 27, 2011, International Friendship Day has been shifted to July 30. Therefore, instead of celebrating Friendship Day on the first Sunday of August every year, we will now celebrate it on a fixed date: July 30. But friendships are forever, right? How can a change of date diminish the bond? If you believe in a ceremonial celebration of friendship, what better occasion than Friendship Day to reconnect with old ties, patch up differences, and make new friends? Make the most of Friendship Day by acknowledging your true friends. Raise a glass to honor those who stuck to you through thick and thin. Gift your best friends a memorable day, filled with fun, games, and laughter. Quotes for Friendship Day Reach out to distant friends, and strike a chord with some friendship quotes. Geographical boundaries melt away when friends get together. Have you lost touch with some of your best friends? Get in touch with them through popular social networking sites. Say, Happy Friendship Day! to your friends. James BoswellA companion loves some agreeable qualities, which a man may possess, but a friend loves the man himself.Eustace BudgellFriendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another.CiceroFriendship makes prosperity more brilliant, and lightens adversity by dividing and sharing it.Charles Caleb ColtonTrue friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lostRalph Waldo EmersonEvery man passes his life in the search after friendship.Ralph Waldo EmersonA friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.EpicurusWe do not so much need the help of our friends as the confidence of their help in need.Thomas HuxleyFriendship involves man things but, above all the power of going outside oneself and appreciating what is noble and loving in another.Lois L. KaufmanPlant a seed of friendship; reap a bouquet of happiness.John EvelynFriendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world. Baltasar GracianFriendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil.Dag HammarskjoldFriendship needs no words.Henry David ThoreauThe most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend. I have no wealth to bestow on him. If he knows that I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward. Is not friendship divine in this?James Fennimore Cooper Friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring cannot congeal in winter.James Francis ByrnesFriendship without self-interest is one of the rare and beautiful things in life.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Rise and Fall of the Qin Dynasty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Rise and Fall of the Qin Dynasty - Essay Example In 225, the King of Wei surrendered where all of his territories were annexed to Qin dynasty. It was followed by the defeat of the Kingdom of Chu in 223 BC where its King was eventually killed and its General committed suicide. A year later, the Yan territory was taken until finally in 221, the last King of other warring states was captured with the seizure of the King of Qi (Portal 32-35). For the first time, ancient China was unified under a single leadership with Qin Shi Huang at the helm declaring himself as the first emperor of China (Portal 32-35). Qin dynasty’s rose to prominence as the first dynasty to unify China is a huge achievement considering that it started from a humble beginning. Qin dynasty begun when the last heir of the Zhou dynasty gave land to one of its Dukes, Duke Zhuang which enabled the Qins to start as one of ancient China’s vassal lords. Later, the small land granted by the Zhou dynasty expanded when Duke Zhuang’s son embarked on expans ionary quest that eventually established the State of Qin (Yu 15). The Qin dynasty’s reign however was short lived lasting only for 15 years from 221 until 207 BC. Despite this short period of Qin dynasty’s existence, it left a lasting legacy in China that even its name as a country was derived from this dynasty. Unification of China In 221 AD, the Qin dynasty through the leadership of Qin Shi Huang finally emerged as the victor during the period of warring states through its superior and fierce military. Immediately after its victory Qin Shi Huang installed himself as the first emperor of China which unified China under one ruler for the first time. Qin Shi Huang first directive as the emperor of China was to initiate reforms such as the improvement of the administration of its bureaucracy with the establishment of shi bureaucracy where educated bureaucrats were tasked to administer the various functions of the regime. The nature of military also changed when the vass al warriors under the former warring monarchs eventually faded in significance when they were replaced by the conscription of peasants who were previously imprisoned. Implementation of Reforms The reforms initiated by the Qin dynasty yielded to the increase of collection of funds and this afforded the regime to improve its military capability by building the size of the army and further improve the technology of its weapons. This increased military capability provided the Qin dynasty the advantage to defeat other kingdoms during the period of warring states and eventually unified it to make it the China that we know today. The Legalist Sanction One of the systems employed by the Qin dynasty that made it an effective state and perhaps even became precursor of the present idea of nation state is the use of legalist sanction. Legalist sanction was the basis of the despotic regime of Qin dynasty. This legalist thought was founded by Shang Yang who espoused that people should be subservi ent to the state but the state must also be ruled by law without exemption that even its rulers are subjected to it (Yu 80). Following this absolutist principle, the Qin dynasty believed that it is the foremost duty of any leader to increase the power and wealth of the state. Legalist sanction also imposes that for a state to be orderly it has to employ strict laws to create social stability. The legalist sanction w
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Evidence of cash conservative and low-leverage firms in UK and Germany Dissertation
Evidence of cash conservative and low-leverage firms in UK and Germany - Dissertation Example The financials of the firms are extracted from the fiscal years 2005 to 2012 and statistically analyzed to establish and prove a hypothesis that the agencies practice cash conservatism and low leverage financial policy; particularly in times of economic recession. CONTENTS COVER PAGE________________________________________________________________1 ABSTRACT 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 The United Kingdom and germany_________________________________5 1.2 FINANCIAL Conservatism AND DISTRESS______________________________8 1.3 Agency and Stewardship theory..._________________________________11 CHAPTER 2 review of literature_________________________________________12 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD 14 3.1 Empirical Framework 19 3.2 Data Sample 20 3.3 Results 24 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION _________________________________________________26 WORKS CITED_____________________________________________________________29 Appendices _________________________________________________________ ______31 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The foundations of a firm’s financial theory can be found in the firm’s organizational culture and structure, the national financial policies, investors, and economic factors. In business, decision-making processes include different perspectives which are reflected in the corporate governance policies. The perspective is relative to the source of financial wisdom, accompanied by the degree of inclusion of Values and Ethics. Theorists have come to believe that contributions to an engaged, politically aware form of multicultural theorizing may cast some light on debates about corporate governance and social responsibility, policy making strategies, and profits. Distinctly, attic eccentric people, for example, Hayek (1976) stressed on the fact that the present-day permissive pre-occupation on ‘the mirage of justice’ could lead them to overlook the procedure that permissive strategies depend too heavily upon market which is not a centralized one and positioned on individual firms, and the final product of this cannot be deduced and is unforeseeable. According to an empirical study by Iona, Leonida, and Ozkan (2004): â€Å"The final result also tells that legislative occupancy, board formation and, to some extent, ownership congregation are vital elements of the possibility of organizations taking up middle-of-the-road financial schemes.†The strategies of cash holding and leverage are traditionally used as factors to determine the level of conservatism in a firm’s financial policy. Corporate executive management experience challenges when the interests of the business coupled with the personal interests of the investors, the organization, or managerial cabinet. This occurs frequently during periods of financial distress. The Agency theory developed amongst concerns for property rights, business economics, business law, and political philosophies, to include the studies of economists and busin ess analysts (Reference for Business, 2013). This paper will investigate the existence and magnitude of financial conservatism in firms in the United Kingdom and in Germany by empirical research of their financial data with regard to financial crises. 1.1 The United Kingdom and Germany In relation to this, the same predicament is there. It should not be ignored that the markets and macroeconomic variables have a great connection with each
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Personality Test Essay Example for Free
Personality Test Essay According to my personality test, the result that I have obtained is I am a popular sanguine person. Basically a popular sanguine person is a socially active. They enjoy fun, socializing, chatting, telling stories and are fond of promising the world, because thats the friendly thing to do. The sanguine personality type is a very fun-loving individual. These people are very easy to pick out in a crowd. The sanguine always has friends around and is compelled to make them laugh. Sanguines are full of energy. They bounce from one activity to another. Craving attention, the sanguine loves to be the star. In all things, he tries to have fun and complete any task at hand â€Å"the happy way. †There are some weaknesses in the sanguine personality as well. Because he always wants to be the center of attention, this lively person is many times a show off or class clown. He is restless and frequently leaves projects or goals before completing them. The sanguine is often undisciplined, disorganized and forgetful. The sanguine personality is one that characterizes a person who is warm, friendly and very sensitive. An individual with these traits needs attention and approval from those around him. If you meet an exuberant salesman or a stranger that goes out of the way to meet you, a sanguine personality has just arrived. First sign of me to be a popular sanguine person is I am a playful guy. Most of the time wherever I am, I used to be the playful one. I will make serious situation easy for my friends by my jokes. It’s a useful attitude to overcome stress. Next, I am also a sociable guy. This is proven as I am surrounded by many friends. It is also an advantage in my future as I can adapt new culture and make new friends in foreign countries that I might go. Besides, I am a spontaneous person too. I am a person who won’t think too much to make a decision. Therefore, I tend to be a more straight-forward person in live as people can rely on me to make any decision. Other than that, I am an optimistic person as i looks at all things more positive than most. For an example, I look at the positive side of a problem instead of looking at the bad part of it. I am also a cheerful person as I can make a sad person happy. It is because of my humor that I can make a situation better and active. Therefore, its proves that I am a popular sanguine person. Furthermore, I am a popular person. For an example, I was a high officer in my prefect’s board in school. Almost all the students knew me because I was one of the best prefects in school. Next we move into my weakness. I am an unpredictable person. This is because sometimes I will have mood swings and complications in my thoughts. Therefore I can’t really respond correctly to situations. This major weakness that I am trying to avoid. Besides, I can also get angry easily at times. The will be very difficult for the people around me to judge my emotions. Therefore this is also one of the weaknesses that I am trying to avoid. I am also a person who wants credits after I accomplish a certain task. This action actually highlights the ego in me which is bad. I can also be a very talkative person which makes most of the people around me annoyed. This is a weakness because people might tend to avoid us. Other than that, my speech is loud and clear. Even though it is clear the loudness matters most of the time. I don’t really know how to adjust my loudness according to situations. Lastly, I am a changeable person. I might not show that I don’t like a person in front of him/her but I tend to talk to others about them. Well this is what I do the least and not all the time. In conclusion, by totaling the characteristics that I have in me, it is proven that I am a popular sanguine person. I am always trying to improve my weakness to become a better person in life.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
KPMG Three Little Pigs Inc. Solution :: Business, Finance, case study, solution
KPMG Three Little Pigs Inc. Solution Several factors including increased supply have caused declining prices for live hogs on the spot market. Also as shown below, futures prices will remain below the carrying cost for live hogs until nearly the end of the fiscal year. However, processed pork products such as bacon, loins, and ham remain above the current cost of production. Three Little Pigs Inc. is capable of processing hogs into these products internally at some locations. Unfortunately, not all hogs can be transported and processed at the main processing plants and must be sold as live hogs to third parties at spot market prices. There are four potential alternatives for dealing with the possible need to impair the value of Three Little Pigs Inc.'s inventories. Alternative 1: Continue to carry all inventories at cost basis. ARB28, Par.14c ?Such temporary market declines need not be recognized at the interim date since no loss is expected.? EITF, 86-13 Discussion option 28 requires inventory be written to lower of cost or market unless (1) substantial evidence exists that market prices will recover before the inventory is sold?Write down is generally required unless the decline is due to seasonal pricing fluctuation.? ARB43, Ch.4, Par.9 ?Where evidence indicates that cost will be recovered with an approximately normal profit upon sale in the ordinary course of business, no loss should be recognized...? If it can be determined that the depressed prices for lean hogs are only temporary, inventories could and should be kept at cost basis. In this case, adjusting prices to match current market prices would not be necessary. Future prices indicate a recovery before the end of the fiscal year. Futures prices will surpass cost in February and remain above cost for the remainder of the fiscal year. The future prices support claims that the price fluctuations are only temporary in nature, and do not reflect a permanent downward shift in hog prices. Since inventories once impaired cannot be marked up to reflect changes in market conditions, this strategy could be beneficial to the company later on. In this case inventory would not be shown on the books at an unfairly low value. Alternative 2: Mark down all live hog inventories AICPA Audit Procedures for Agricultural Producers Pt.1 Ch5.02 ?Growing crops and developing animals to be held for sale should be valued at the lower of cost or market.? ARB43, Ch.4 Par.8 ?A departure from the cost basis of pricing the inventory is required when the utility of the goods is no longer as great as its cost.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Managing Teams
The behavioral psychology of a modern man is that only as the individual joins with his fellows in groups and organizations can he hope to control the political, economic, and social forces that threaten his individual freedom (Hersey, 1996, p. 359). One of the realities of organizational behavior is that we have to work in and with problem-solving groups in order to accomplish our aspirations.  No matter how much individual value is emphasized, almost all of the goals can only be achieved in a group. It is therefore important to apply behavioral science principals and concepts to managing teams more effectively. Creating and managing teams in the workplace can lead to effective outcomes. Teams (formal work groups) are increasingly viewed as productivity engines and just like engines, they require constant care and maintenance (Dumaine, 1994 pp. 86-92). Organizations that are willing to invest in matching the right type of team to the right situation are getting very high returns on their investments. Success in managing teams depends upon clear and decisive executive management, vision, training as well as involvement of cross-functional group of employees (Hersey, 1996, p. 360). According to Brian Dumaine, there are five types of teams: Problem-Solving Teams: Identify and attack a problem and then disband. Management Teams: Coordinate work from different departments and functions. Work Teams: These are self-managed teams doing daily work. Virtual Teams: They accelerate and use high technology communications to exchange ideas and roles. Quality Circles Groups: They consist of workers and supervisors who meet periodically to address problems. Managing a Productive Team Success in creating a productive team also depends upon the way the teams are put together and how they draw on their experiences. It also depends on how the team is designed. Teams that learned new procedures quickly share three essential characters. They were designed for learning; their leaders framed challenges in such a way that team members were highly motivated to learn; and the leaders' behavior created an environment of psychological safety that fostered communication and innovation. Another critical aspect of team designing was the extent to which substitution is permitted. For that leaders need to develop conditions for team members such as establishing open communication and developing trust a sense of camaraderie. Executive management team can also dilute the complexity of surrounding strategic issues by giving more sophisticated analyses and comprehensive solutions as well as establishing an appropriate atmosphere for the team because perceptions become reality, understand and manage them; investigate the gaps between perceptions and reality; and act decisively to correct gross misperceptions. As Douglas K. Smith suggests, â€Å"in the end, the wisdom of teams is within the team itself. It is not in creating the high performance organization, managing transformational change, enforcing corporate performance ethics, or inspiring new dimensions of leadership. It is in a small group of people so committed to something larger than them that they will not be denied†(Ward, 2007, pp. 85-90). It is important to develop teams of people (human resource) to fulfill goals and objectives according to a company's entrepreneurial vision. The internal environment of any organization would favor and encourage corporate team building policies, a complete corporate culture and values to achieve organizational goals and vision. References Creating and Managing Teams from John R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith, The Wisdom of Teams.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Nursing Managment Essay
Article Review of â€Å"A Handoff Report Card for General Nursing Orientation This article examines the strengths and weakness of the orientation process of new grads or new nurses to a unit or hospital. By the use of a 100 point score report card containing a summary of the nurses skills, knowledge, and also use of the Benner which measure clinical performance and critical thinking. The article addresses the use of a report card to better communicate the strengths and weakness of the orientees’. This report card is handed off to the next person in whom the new nurses will orient. The handoff is designed to create continuity and accuracy. An example of the type of data that would be measured by the handoff report includes items such as the nurses’ experiences and documentation of strengths and areas that need to be developed or improved. The report card is based on 3 assessments 1. The orientees own self-assessment 2. The instructor’s assessment 3. Competition of competencies From the first day on the unit, the nurse identifies his/her learning type using Benner’s Theory. This provides the nurse with a baseline of where their own individual level of development has reached, as well as, the preceptor, manager, or instructor. Secondly, the instructor assessment measures the orientees’ knowledge and performance. This report card is divided into 4 areas of measurement. The types of areas of measurement are areas such as: nursing interventions, documentation, critical thinking, nursing behaviors, clinical judgment, and several other areas. The last area of measurement is the nurses’ skill level. Several types of competencies were set up to determine if the nurse was competent to function on the unit. In conclusion, the report card was discussed with the leadership team, so that the orientation is more focused on the needs of the oreintee, based on the unit in which the orientee is being trained to work. As I was reading this article, it re minded me of an article that we had read at work. In the American Journal of Critical Care 2009, there was a research study completed to determine the best way to evaluate the new grads, new nurses, and it also evaluated the current nursing staff. In the study, most of the data that was returned was from the new grads. The suspected reasoning was the enthusiasm of the new grads. But the overall outcome, was positive, but mostly helped the management team to better evaluate the competency of their nurses. Currently, in the unit I work in we are challenged with determining the strengths and weakness of our newly hired nurses. Some of the nurses stated that they came to our unit with experience from different venues; however, their level of care has left us with many voids. I personally, enjoyed both articles and the effort of increasing critical thinking and professional behaviors on the clinical floor. Remember we all one day may be patients. Hargraves, L., Nichols, A., Shanks, S., & Halamak, L. (2010). A Handoff Report Card for General Nursing Orientation. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 40(10), 424-431. Kleinpell, R. (2009). Evidenced Based Review Discussion Points. American Journal of Critical care, 18(3), 261-262.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
You Cant kill hope essays
You Can't kill hope essays A Fire You Cant Put Out, by Andrew Manis, is a very detailed biography of Fred Shuttlesworth. The book highlights many events that took place during the Civil Rights movement and Shuttlesworths fight against segregation. The most significant issue presented, in my opinion, is Shuttlesworths strong-willed personality, which drove him to fight for a cause that he was willing to die for. Fred, raised in a family as the oldest child, learned at an early age that he had to be strong like his mother Alberta. The situations and people who surrounded him shaped Freds personality. In his early adult life he converted to the Baptist denomination and realized his true dream was to become a preacher. His strong religious beliefs and combative personality made him a very successful minister. Fred would fight to integrate Birminghams buses, schools, lunch counters, police force, and parks. During his adulthood, he battled segregation and would nearly be killed three times. The evidence that Fred would grow up to be a man with a combative personality with an authoritarian style was illustrated in his early years. Being the oldest child in a family of nine children, Fred had many responsibilities. The Shuttlesworth family was poor and lived in a house with no electrical power and no running water. The family experienced many hard times, which built an essential toughness into Fred. He was in charge of making sure all the chores were done before their mother got home. He knew that his mother had a no-nonsense attitude, when it involved home chores. If the chores did not get done, Fred knew that he and his siblings would be disciplined. The authoritarian style his mother showed when dealing with the children would be the same style Fred would take on in his pastoral and civil rights work. Along with a rough home environment, Freds mother and stepfathers relationship was very turbulent. Fred, along with his brother...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Lets Look At Lest
Lets Look At Lest Let’s Look At â€Å"Lest†Let’s Look At â€Å"Lest†By Maeve Maddox Recently I’ve noticed some odd uses of the word lest. Some may be no more than typographical errors, but others appear to result from a misunderstanding of the meaning and function of the conjunction lest. Lest introduces a clause expressive of something to be avoided or guarded against. Here are some examples: In helping my son pack for college, I tucked in a newly framed photo of the family for him to take with him lest he forget what we all looked like. There’s a scene in the movie where the master chef - who’s in his eighties - explains that as a younger man, sushi recipes would come to him in his sleep. And he would jump out of bed to write them down, lest he forget them by morning. Clip back any branches and remove any plants that will be in the way before you begin, lest you tread on them while erecting the fence. Another use of lest following a verb of fearing, or phrases indicating apprehension or danger, is to introduce a clause expressing what is feared. Here are examples of this usage: Im afraid to open the door and check, lest she be sleeping and I wake her up. Im afraid to leave because I am afraid of walking past our building managers office, lest she realize Im unemployed. The chief errors I’ve noticed with lest are these: 1. Following lest with not: INCORRECT: Then Rubio pivoted to Obama, lest not alienate Republicans who like what Trump has to say. (Alex Leary, Tampa Bay Times,) CORRECT : Then Rubio pivoted to Obama, lest he alienate Republicans who like what Trump has to say. Lest is already negative, so it shouldn’t be used with not. Because lest introduces a clause, it should be followed by the subject of the clause that expresses whatever is to be avoided. 2. Introducing a sentence fragment with lest. INCORRECT: Lest he forget that 70% of American Jews voted for Obama and find the politics of the modern GOP repugnant. (Wayne Besen, Falls Church News-Press) CORRECT : Netanyahu shouldn’t forget that 70% of American Jews voted for Obama and find the politics of the modern GOP repugnant. Sometimes a sentence fragment is an effective stylistic choice, but not when it is introduced by lest. A clause introduced by lest needs to be attached to a main clause. The fragment â€Å"lest we forget†is frequently used in connection with memorial services, but a main clause is implied: â€Å"We build monuments and hold memorial services lest we forget the sacrifices of the departed.†3. Confusing lest with the contraction let’s INCORRECT: And lest not forget Jeffersons role in the XYZ Affair where he sabotaged Adams negotiations with the French to avert a war. (Education site called Reinvented Solutions) CORRECT : And let’s not forget Jeffersons role in the XYZ Affair where he sabotaged Adams negotiations with the French to avert a war. Related post Least vs Lest Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating Conjunctions40 Synonyms for â€Å"Different†75 Synonyms for â€Å"Hardâ€
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Quality Management Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Quality Management Plan - Essay Example  The manager's responsibility is to ensure that employees do not become sick by their job. Stress makes employees sick. Besides, acts to decrease stress are affordable. The expense of stress to the organization can show up as an increased employee turnover, a rise in the absence of sickness, decreases job performance, increased customer complaints, and poor time management. Stress in a single employee can result in stress in employees who are compelled to function with the individual or even cover for him/her. Besides, staff members who do not consider stress as a dangerous thing can leave them open to compensation claims from employees who have been affected by work associated stress illness. Thus, stress reduction does not have to cost the organization a large sum of money. The organization can take the following steps to deal with the risk of stress: where stress caused or made worse by the job may result in ill health, the organization ought to evaluate the risk. The risk evaluation for stress entails searching for work pressures that may cause increased and long-term stress levels. It also requires choosing the individual that could be harmed by the work pressure and choosing whether the organization is doing enough to hinder such harm. If required, the organization ought to take steps to address such pressures. It must review the evaluation whenever it considers that it can no longer be correct. Besides, all employees ought to be involved in the assessment process, encompassing safety and health representatives.
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